Last night, a few loyal Potter followers and I camped out to watch the midnight showing of Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 2.
The last HP movie... ever. It was awesome. Everything I imagined and more, but I still left the theater in a funky mood. You see, it's bittersweet really. A strong surge of excitement mixed with feelings of sadness about the fact that there's no more Hogwarts news to look forward to. It's the end of an era really. I suppose we all have to grow up some time...
{Like our glasses? They're preeeetty sweet.}
{my very own Mad Eye Moody}
{a line of 1,500 Pott-Heads who joined us for the midnight showing last night}
Love it! Ha this was the first year I have missed a midnight showing wihch sucks because its the last one! Theyre always fun..
All the best, Angel
Pott head - love it! I know of so many people who waited in line for midnight showings and have felt the same way. So excited to see the film, but feeling a tad bit sad because this is the last of the series. I wonder if Ms. Rowling has anything new planned in the world of literature- she certainly has the imagination and artistry for it!
oh...u're so sweet...pretty girls!
soo fun. can't wait to see!
this is so cute
Great photos! :D
Baww you guys look so cute. And I can't believe that line! It's crazy!
Castle Fashion
Love the glasses and the tie! The last movie was sooo good! I felt the same way you did. When the credits started rolling at the end I teared up. Definitely bittersweet.
oh my gosh i have to comment this because i love harry potter! i'm so glad you went and dressed up - it's so much fun, isn't it!?
Great blog! following for sure!
how cute are you guys?!
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