October 13, 2011


I've always been intrigued by the idea of joining a book club,
and since I've come across some pretty great finds recently,
I decided to start one myself!

The first book that I would like to suggest to you is called The Paris Wife.

Can I just tell you something?
I haven't felt so engulfed in a story for quite some time... 
It's nothing extravagant really,
just a story about Ernest Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley,
written from her point of view. 

Reading the description, 
I must admit, 
it has the potential to sound very boring. 
But it isn't... not in the least. 

You'll be transfixed into 1920's Paris, and all of its glamour. 
The food, the booze, the clothes.. 
What more can you ask for, really? 

So here's a confession...

I kind of developed an itty bitty crush on Ernest..
that dog!
And Pauline? 
That bitch!

This will all make a lot more sense if you read the aforementioned book. 
I promise.

So what do you think?
Will you read it? 
I hope so... and then we can gawk about it together.
Sounds like a plan, right?

And what about you? 
Have you come across any titles lately that have you completely mesmerized? 
Let's hear 'em please.



Nina Josephine said...



Jack and Friends said...

YES!!! I have been wanting to start a book club for sooo long. I'll have to pick this one up this week and let you know what I think. BTW did you ever see Midnight in Paris? So "you".


Love&Lilacs said...

I love this idea. This pick sounds interesting. I can't wait to read it. I can maybe see the crush. I will just have to picture Ernest as Chris O'Donnell in "In Love and War".