It's been one of those long months when I felt like all I ever do is work, work, work. I woke up last week pissed off at the world, seriously in need of a vacation. Maybe I could find an amazing deal for a last minute getaway to Hawaii?! Probably not, and even if I did, let's be realistic, I can't afford a getaway that costs more than $50, and a six hour flight each way wouldn't really be worth it if I only have two days off. So since a weekend stint in Maui is out of the question this month, I opted for a visit to my favorite hidden spot by the beach instead. The scenery, the fresh air.. it's truly paradise, and if you don't believe me take a look at the evidence:

Can anyone guess which beach of San Diego we visited? We were there only for an hour, but I left feeling refreshed and at ease, ready to tackle another hardworking week. Oh yes, I am in love with San Diego!
-Je suis amoureux de San Diego